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Devices for Information Storage and Processing

Oxide based memristive devices: from RRAM memory to neuromorphic computing

Memristive systems represent today a disruptive technology for the semiconductor industry towards several applications such as data storage (non-volatile memories), non-...

Insight into the amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition in GeTe thin films

The unique method of 57Fe emission Mössbauer spectroscopy (eMS), as performed at the large-scale facility of ISOLDE at CERN, was employed to reveal, at the most atomic-scale,...

Fe/Sb2Te3 Interface Reconstruction through Mild Thermal Annealing

Topological insulators are in the focus for enhancing spin‐to‐charge conversions when in contact with ferromagnets, and to optimize the interface is demanding. In our paper published in Advanced...

ALD growth of ultra-thin Co layers on the topological insulator Sb2Te3
In our recent paper @NanoResearch (Springer Nature), we report about the use of atomic layer deposition (ALD) to grow Co thin films, with thickness from several tens down to few nanometers on top of...
Engineering Domain-Wall Motion in CoFeB/MgO Ultrathin Films with Perpendicular Anisotropy Using Patterned Substrates with Subnanometer Step Modulation

Controlling the motion of magnetic domain walls (DWs) in ultrathin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) has opened perspectives for mass-storage applications such as “racetrack...

New set-up to perform Transmission Moessbauer Spectroscopy installed at IMM Agrate Brianza

From October 2018, the CNR-IMM Unit of Agrate Brianza is equipped with a new set-up to perform Transmission Mössbauer Spectroscopy (TMS), which has been developed in the framework of CYBER-SORT, a...

Materials for Spintronics

This research activity at IMM Agrate is mainly focused on the use of chemical methods such as  atomic layer deposition (ALD) and chemical vapour deposition (CVD) to synthesize materials for...

Modelling, simulation and characterization of CMOS devices for quantum information processing

CMOS technology exploitation is crucial to fabricate in a reliable manner nanodevices where different qubits based on spin degree of freedom can be implemented. One on the goals...

Investigation of silicon nanowires and silicon quantum dots for CMOS-based quantum devices


The activity regards characterization and simulation of transport in silicon nanostructures and nanodevices in the form of quantum dots (0D) or nanowires (1D), for extremely low-power...

Inorganic nanostructures by organic self-assembly

Development of new bottom-up approaches for the synthesis of functional nanostructured materials with typical feature dimension well below 20 nm. The focus of this research...
