MAGWIRE : Magnetic Nanowires for High Density Non Volatile Memories Fast, high capacity, low factor and low power non-volatile memories are a crucial enabler of today’s ICT. They are already an important part of all electronic systems, representing a growing market segment, and should increase...
Information processing in classical von Neumann architectures is less efficient compared to biological counterparts when dealing with ill-posed problems and noisy data. The reason is that the biological brain is configured differently and the key is its evolving structure, where connectivity...
The MORE , or "Advanced M etal- O xide heterostructures for nanoscale RE RAM" project focuses on the synthesis and characterization of resistive switching properties of thin film- and nanowire- heterostructures, as building blocks for future nanodevices. In particular, Metal-transition metal Oxides...
MemoCiS - COST Action IC1401 : “Memristors-Devices, Models, Circuits, Systems and Applications” (10/12/2014-9/12/2018). COST IC1401 (MemoCIS) is the Action on " Memristors - Devices, Models, Circuits, Systems and Applications ". The main objective of the Action is to form a European-wide scientific...
This is a research and Innovation Action of the Eu Horizon 2020 Programme Starting date: 1/1/2016; duration: 42 months Objectives : We propose to fabricate a chip implementing a neuromorphic architecture that supports state-of-the-art machine learning and spike-based learning mechanisms. With...
3DMetChemIT , is a research project under the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research. Consumer demand for faster, smarter and cheaper products drives innovation in high value-added technologies. To satisfy these demands industry is increasingly using 3D micro and nanoscale...