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Resistive switching in binary metal oxides consists of conductivity changes originating from the electrical creation/dissolution of conductive filaments (CFs) at nanoscale. The investigation of CF local properties can only be achieved through physical and electrical studies at the scale of 10 nm or less, that is, the characteristic size of CFs. This work reports on the direct manipulation of individual CFs formed through insulating NiO films by conductive atomic force microscopy (CAFM) and the comparison between forming/reset processes induced by CAFM and those observed in large-area devices with the same NiO film. The switching variability due to local defects, such as grain boundaries and dislocations, is directly evidenced by CAFM during electroforming process. Our results also indicate that the forming voltage under CAFM can be significantly smaller than the one observed in large-area devices, thus providing …
American Institute of Physics
Publication date: 
15 Sep 2012

Federico Nardi, D Deleruyelle, S Spiga, C Muller, B Bouteille, Daniele Ielmini

Biblio References: 
Volume: 112 Issue: 6 Pages: 064310
Journal of Applied Physics